Yes, it is possible to align your soul and achieve your divine purpose


That lofty goal starts with your intention to change, to grow, to unfold. The simple act of setting intention is the first step on a path that will meet you where you are and take you on a journey of self discovery and empowerment. Combined with my healthcare background – I was a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse for 15 years – and now a nurse care manager, I offer an expansive blend of modalities to facilitate healing.

I continue to further my knowledge and education with workshops and seminars with Yoga Luminaries such as Paul Grilley, Sadie Nardini and Desiree Rumbaugh.

Currently, I teach at Match Point Tennis Academy and maintain a private practice of assisted yoga and meditation. Please click Services for more information.


Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
―A. A. Milne