Solving the Plastic Problem

Solving the Plastic Problem

Is your life too plastic? ‘Bag it’ refers to the request of someone to put something in a bag. The term also refers to the request of someone to someone else to stop thinking or doing something. As I type these words I have two 

Cultivating a Loving Relationship with Yourself

Cultivating a Loving Relationship with Yourself

Path to Self Empowerment Cultivating a loving relationship with yourself requires mindfulness and compassion. Be kind to yourself and your body — releasing negative behavior and thoughts is the healthy first step. It takes courage to leave behind the projections, prognoses and prophecies of other 

50 Best Motivational Quotes

50 Best Motivational Quotes

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. —George Addair Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. —Maya Angelou I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you 

The Magical Power of Forgiveness

The Magical Power of Forgiveness

The most magical power we have is our ability to forgive. It is the exquisite healer in all of us. Forgiveness is the key to releasing any emotional baggage we have continued to carry, our outdated and outmoded perspectives, and any other attachment that keeps 

Time to Change

Time to Change

Knowing | Intending | Feeling | Creating It’s time to change. I am a big believer in taking hand to paper and spelling out a WISH LIST. By doing so, we create a compelling vision that motivates us from the inside. That being said, it