Tag: Belief

Cultivating a Loving Relationship with Yourself

Cultivating a Loving Relationship with Yourself

Path to Self Empowerment Cultivating a loving relationship with yourself requires mindfulness and compassion. Be kind to yourself and your body — releasing negative behavior and thoughts is the healthy first step. It takes courage to leave behind the projections, prognoses and prophecies of other 

50 Best Motivational Quotes

50 Best Motivational Quotes

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. —George Addair Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. —Maya Angelou I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you 

Time to Change

Time to Change

Knowing | Intending | Feeling | Creating

It’s time to change. I am a big believer in taking hand to paper and spelling out a WISH LIST. By doing so, we create a compelling vision that motivates us from the inside.

That being said, it is essential to KNOW what you desire. Imagining will create a new model; writing it out will objectify it; and feeling, in the present moment the fulfillment, will activate the INTENTION to achieve it!

It’s all about identifying with a desired state — that’s exactly why I have new clients create a WISH LIST which accesses the other than consciousness mind creating the potential for true and lasting transformation.

Without FEELING a desired state, the willingness to change or update an existing mode or model of belief/function/action is only a daydream.

When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative success mechanism within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or willpower.
Maxwell Maltz

So, you might be wondering what the difference is between temporary and permanent change?

Well, to create a permanent change an individual must claim a desire (stand for a core need) and develop a compelling vision. Most people attempt to bring about change through pleasure or pain, carrot or stick or making a deal (a new years resolution for example).

These three tactics only bring about temporary change. So, whenever we make a conscious decision to lose 5 lbs or 50 lbs, to stop smoking, to eat nurturing foods, to become more flexible and stronger, or to show kindness, etc. we have the opportunity of stepping into our power of choice.

I believe we become the architect or alchemist of change when we claim peace, love and wellness as our core needs.


Translate this knowledge into practical everyday actions that will enliven and enrich our body, mind and spirit because living successfully depends on our internal consciousness and external awareness.

INTERNAL Consciousness

  • What emotional traumas are you currently feeling or expressing?
  • What past event is challenging you presently?
  • What recurring illness have you experienced in your life?

EXTERNAL Awareness

  • What physical traumas are currently preventing you from leading an active life free from injury and pain?
  • Do you have a sleepless baby, an asthmatic child, troubled teenager, depressed or anxious spouse, elderly parents or other stimulus that is affecting you?
  • What area of your day to day work life would you like to improve that would bring you greater effectiveness?

Anything and everything is possible when our belief system allows for inherent potential and unlimited possibilities. Limitations and absolutes are only as real as the beliefs that create them.

Everyday we have the opportunity to explore the ever-expanding realm of possibilities and potential and to experience just what can happen when self created, conditioned or habituated barriers of mind and body are resolved. Only you have the power to HEAL — mentally, emotionally, and physically: anyone or anything else is simply facilitating your internal process.

Whenever we make a conscious decision to change we embrace the power of choice.

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.
Jim Rohn

Ready to create your Wish List? Please, do yourself a huge favor and keep it to yourself!

Here’s an enlightening TED Talk explaining the potency of containment and why people who talk about their ambitions may be less likely to achieve them. So, by not seeking external validation, the energy of your wish list or BIG idea or dream stays in you and the creative power of your vision is retained!

About the Author

Mark Lamm NFL Golf ClassicMark Lamm, founder of the BioSync method, gained his understanding of human potential and peak performance through the teachings of various healers, shamans and Qi Gong masters as well as White Tantric wisdom and yogic knowledge through his mentorship with Yogi Bhajan. Mark’s gift of transformational touch took his clients beyond limiting beliefs, beyond pain, and beyond traumatic life events. Mark served for more than 25 years as the “Go to Guru” for athletes in the NFL, NBA and ATP, track & field and figure skating Olympians as well as extreme athletes in snowboarding, surfing and motocross providing results that gave a physical and psychological edge.

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