

Laura has been dedicated to health and passionate about fitness since she joined the club in 1984. Investing in her health and well being, Laura continues to motivate herself and others to reach and maintain personal goals. In addition to working out/hard in TRX and HIit classes, Laura also leads a relaxing yoga class, stretching the fascia as well as the minds of her gym family.
— Tim Redar, Certified Personal Trainer and Operations Manager BodyMax Fitness

Laura has a passion for health, fitness, happiness and spirituality. Whether you’re a yoga student or just interested in overall well-being, Laura embodies the humor, knowledge and wisdom necessary to help you on your journey.
Leah Lamm, Co-Founder BioSync Research Institute

Laura is one of the most beautiful individuals I have had the pleasure to have as a friend and co-worker. Her love for life, family and others goes far beyond what we can see. Laura has a genuine sense of compassion and honesty that is rare in these days of the “me” world. What has always stuck with me is her sense of “living without regrets”. Everything she says and does comes directly from her heart. Her grasp of the Yoga world is immense and powerful. She is well grounded in her beliefs and strong in her convictions. She and I have shared many a private yoga practices together and each time I come away with a sincere sense of peace, calm and accomplishment. One does not come across truly amazing individuals often, but I have a found one in Laura, my friend.