The Key to a Happier Healthier You

30 Minutes of Exercise
Regardless of age or fitness level – from mall-walkers to marathoners – exercise keeps the heart healthy, boosts energy levels, and is crucial for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Regular exercise is the key to a happier, healthier you just 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week produces many positive side effects including improved self-confidence, increased productivity, overall well-being and happiness and these are just a few of the reasons why it’s important to take time to stretch, move and exercise on a regular basis!
Exercise Smart
Just beginning an exercise routine or been inactive for a while? Then, you will definitely want to start with less strenuous activities such as conscious breathing, gentle stretching, swimming or walking. Naturally becoming physically fit without straining your body begins at a slow, comfortable pace. Be sure and check with your health practitioner before starting an fitness program if you have chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes or arthritis and especially if you have had open heart, knee, hip, back or shoulder surgery.
Your Health and Quality of Life
How well you eat, how much water you drink and how many supplements you take can NOT replace exercise! To achieve the greatest overall health benefits a daily fitness routine is a must. These benefits include brain health, mood improvement, Osteoporosis prevention, better sex, healthier digestion, stress reduction and may even cut your risk of certain types of cancers.
Incorporating fitness breaks throughout the day is simple and easy. Spend 3 – 30 minutes mixing it up: stretch, bend, squat; rebound; jump rope; walk; try a treadmill desk or a fitness ball chair! You also need some type of full breathing practice as well as muscle strengthening activity such as free weights or fitness machines. Adopt the mindset that you can exercise anywhere at any time — at home or in the office.
About the Author
Leah Lamm is the Co-Founder of the BioSync Research Institute, Leah partnered in the development and implementation of BioSync® with her late husband and continues now with her team of BioSync® consultants and practitioners. Leah has advanced the art and science of BioSync® through tools, training, and platforms designed to promote and encourage both business and personal growth. Leah designed and formalized the BioSync® training protocol manuals. As a teacher and facilitator, she has co-lead BioSync® trainings for the last 18 years.
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