The Magical Power of Forgiveness

The most magical power we have is our ability to forgive. It is the exquisite healer in all of us. Forgiveness is the key to releasing any emotional baggage we have continued to carry, our outdated and outmoded perspectives, and any other attachment that keeps us bound to the past. It is the only way to really let go of negative energy we haves stored within us. This form of release has no comparison and by using it, we unleash the power of unconditional love. When we say “yes!” to forgiving ourselves, another person, place, condition or experience, we are accepting love to guide and fill our lives with infinite joy.
No situation in life is beyond the act of forgiveness. Many people think they want to hold on to their traumas and pain to remind them of the past mistaken experiences. They assume that by keeping these memories alive they can somehow insure not to repeat them in the future. This is an unfortunate reasoning process. When we keep negative energy alive within us, we fill our now moment with this energy and create a future moment for the same type of energy to return. The very desire to avoid more hurt by holding on to the past causes us to experience the pain repeatedly. Only forgiveness and release can stop this process permanently.
The mistakes of the past are just that, an opportunity that we experienced to learn something about our use of universal energy. When we identify and associate pain, suffering or limitation with a particular experience, we add this negative energy to our mental and emotional memories and carry it within our consciousness. Each time we encounter a similar situation it triggers this energy to come forth and influences our present expression with whatever we are feeling. In reality, whatever is before us is simply a reflection of energy we sent out in our past and if it is less than loving, it is our opportunity to forgive and release the appearance. Only through a complete release can we move forward in freedom. …
…The beauty of forgiveness is that we are the ones who can take charge and make the necessary changes in our lives. From the grandest perspective, there really is no one to blame or even to forgive. We use the act of forgiveness to release our hold upon the limitations and painful memories, both personal and societal, that we have become attached to. Forgiveness allows us to release these obsolete and limiting perspectives of past experiences and permits freedom to take their place.
When we remember that each of us does the very best we can at any particular moment, we are well on our way to forgiving everyone and everything. If we have anger for example, and lash out at another, it is all we can do at that moment. Hopefully, the next moment the anger will have passed and we can come from a more loving position. We must accept both scenarios as valid even if they produced different reactions. By acknowledging our behaviors, we instantly see how and why others behave the way they do.
Forgiveness is not just a statement of release from our actions; it must be understood and felt as well. We cannot shirk or circumvent our responsibility with a casual glance and vague apology. We are striving for greater personal understanding and healing of our thoughts and feelings that have bound us to a past expression. Forgiveness is a gracious tool when used with genuine intent.
Forgiveness is only effective when we feel it within our hearts as we thoughtfully release the experience, condition, person or event. Our motivation must be true and sincere. Equally, we must be willing to take corrective measures to insure we do not engage this type of energy again. It may take several attempts at forgiveness to thoroughly release the negative limitation and emotional bond. Eventually, hurts and traumas of the past become the learned lessons and joys of self discovery in the present.
No circumstance, perceived hurt, or challenge will ever be outside the act of our personal forgiveness. The pain may run deep and the suffering may be severe, yet now we know the key to change. The greater we hold on, the more we need to let go and forgive. The challenge and the opportunity are both ours, which do you prefer? It is your creation and your experience.
When we seek to be divine, we act with angelic wisdom. Forgiveness is truly divine. It is also infinitely practical. To err is only the momentary human aspect of our selves. Forgiveness is the magical quality of love that can never fail and it is only a thought and feeling away. Never end a day without completely forgiving everyone and everything, including yourself, and soon you will find you are soaring free to the heavens within.
Excerpted from Unconditional Love – An Unlimited Way of Being
About the Author
Harold W Becker is the Founder and President of The Love Foundation. Author of Unconditional Love – An Unlimited Way of Being, and Internal Power: Seven Doorways to Self Discovery, along with several other books. Since 1990, Harold devotes all of his time to understanding the nature of our potential and raising the awareness of humanity through his own consulting group, Insights. He continues to share his powerful understanding about life through books, consulting, speaking engagements, PBS television specials, workshops and living from his heart using the creative arts and the spiritual healing arts to help answer existential questions.
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